Did Sean Davis really tweet Mommy Milky? Federalist co-founder slams fake tweet and threatens

For a few hours, the phrase "mommy milky" was trending on Twitter. The source? A supposed tweet by journalist and co-founder of The Federalist, Sean Davis. First shared by a Twitter user Jean-Michel Connard, the tweet went viral within minutes as many mocked Davis for the seemingly random tweet.

For a few hours, the phrase "mommy milky" was trending on Twitter. The source? A supposed tweet by journalist and co-founder of The Federalist, Sean Davis. First shared by a Twitter user Jean-Michel Connard, the tweet went viral within minutes as many mocked Davis for the seemingly random tweet. 

Speaking to Mediaite, Davis called the tweet "100% fake". Davis also issued a not-so-veiled threat. He tweeted, "If you have a blue checkmark and you’re currently spreading obviously hoax screenshots meant to deliberately and maliciously defame me, now would be a good time for you to lawyer up because I need a new truck and would love nothing more than for you to be forced to pay for it.”

If you have a blue checkmark and you’re currently spreading obviously hoax screenshots meant to deliberately and maliciously defame me, now would be a good time for you to lawyer up, because I need a new truck and would love nothing more than for you to be forced to pay for it.

— Sean Davis (@seanmdav) March 13, 2021



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But did he actually tweet it? It turns out, not really. The tweet was created by Connard, who seemed unfazed by Davis' threat. Nonetheless, the exchange has caught the imagination of social media. 

The source of mommy milky

Connard first tweeted a screenshot of the 'mommy milky' tweet with the caption "not fast enough!!" late on March 12. It didn't take long for the image to go viral, with many mocking the phrase. It appears Connard created the tweet, and the viral nature of it caught even him by surprise. It may have been a harmless joke, but Davis didn't appear to take it that way.

Davis threatened legal action but did not specifically state against who. In an interview with Mediaite, Davis repeated his threat saying "he should probably find himself a good defamation attorney ASAP." Connard appeared to laugh off off the threat, tweeting "This is your fault for encouraging me". It's not clear who he is addressing. It's not known who owns the account, which has over 20k followers. A quick scroll through the account shows many parody tweets and jokes, so it is likely that the fake Davis tweet is just another one. 

This is your fault for encouraging me.

— Jean-Michel Connard (@torriangray) March 13, 2021


He later tweeted "Honestly it’s kinda freaky when your jokes take on a life of their own" clearly indicating that the tweet was meant as a joke. So will Davis sue? Many people believe he won't, but the debate rages on.

‘I would like to know’

Perhaps the best way to summarise the situation is this tweet — "Did he actually tweet mommy milky? On some level, it doesn’t even matter but I would like to know..."

Did he actually tweet mommy milky? On some level it doesn’t even matter but I would like to know

— THIS IS THE ZODIAC SPEAKING (@evilroyslade420) March 13, 2021


Many users seemed to enjoy the seemingly harmless joke and its reaction. One user tweeted, "I hope one day historians unearth this article." Another said, "This is the content we crave." Davis' response was mocked as well. "He's gonna milk this for all it's worth," one Twitter user wrote. Another said, "This response is 100x funnier than the tweet itself." Another person tweeted, "Good thing I don’t have a blue checkmark."

This is the content we crave.

— Silly Bear (@Silly___Bear) March 12, 2021


He's gonna milk this for all it's worth.

— Eyes on the Right (@EyesOnTheRight) March 13, 2021


This response is 100x funnier than the tweet itself

— Paul Tree (@PaulTree10) March 13, 2021


Since the incident has gone viral, Davis has been attempting to block everyone who is mocking him. Many users have shared screenshots of being blocked. Connard hasn't taken down the tweet yet, nor does he seem to have apologized for it. Since Davis' threat, he has posted multiple other tweets. 

