Season 1 General Discussion - Below Deck

I rewatched Season 1 the past two days. The guests were more interesting and weird back then. The deckhands and stews were more interesting and weird,too! Sam....gah! What an insufferable person. I waited all season (both times!)for her to get her comeuppance, but sadly that never happened, mainly because she won't accept it. The Captain

I rewatched Season 1 the past two days.  The guests were more interesting and weird back then.  The deckhands and stews were more interesting and weird,too!

Sam....gah!  What an insufferable person.  I waited all season (both times!) for her to get her comeuppance, but sadly that never happened, mainly because she won't accept it.  The Captain even couldn't gain respect from her.  Her parents must be real gems.

I liked Eddy and Dave.  I liked Aleks until he went back on the punishment for Sam.  What a slap in the face to Adrienne that was.  He had no trouble disciplining EJ but Sam gives him little private smiles and he caves.  Very unprofessional. 

Poor Adrienne....  she just has a 'different' personality and shouldn't be in charge. I feel like she does well when she's the only stew on a smaller boat IF she will do the work herself-- we pretty much saw her make lists and line up the other two stews which I guess was her job here....  It was hard to watch her flirt with the lesbian women guests. All that,"Heeeeyyy..." was so corny.

Love Ben and his cooking!  He's full of himself but funny and makes the food interesting.

Captain Lee seemed very threatened by Aleks.  I feel at this time having a younger, nice looking white boat captain as his direct subordinate (?) was threatening to him.  I think he knew if this show did well in the ratings that there would be a season 2 or more and he wanted to make sure he was cast as THE captain. 

C.J. told me all he needed to say in explanation of his actions and personality when he casually told Ben,'' I feel like a 12 yr old boy."  I think he's emotionally stunted at that age.  No way does he appear as a man in his 30's.  Good hearted, but something missing there. 

I love this show, I blush to admit it.  I want to take a cruise on one of these white boats and be fed wonderful food and wear newly bought yacht clothes with the tags still on some that all still smell of department stores....  What a fab life some rich people have.  Although most of these guests seem odd or seedy.  That's all :)

