Is Fernando Colunga Gay and Does He Have A Wife?

Fernando Colunga isnt gay, doesnt have a spouse, and has never been hitched. Notwithstanding being one of the most famous telenovela entertainers in Mexico, Colunga conducts his affection existence with much mystery. Colunga has barely been in any affirmed sentiment however he is said to have dated a few entertainers.

Fernando Colunga isn’t gay, doesn’t have a spouse, and has never been hitched. Notwithstanding being one of the most famous telenovela entertainers in Mexico, Colunga conducts his affection existence with much mystery. Colunga has barely been in any affirmed sentiment however he is said to have dated a few entertainers.

This has aroused curiosity in his adoration life and has lighted the gay bits of gossip that he currently needs to fight with now and again.

Is Fernando Colunga Gay? Fernando Colunga isn’t gay to the best of public information. The entertainer has never affirmed that he is gay, however he has by the by been tormented with gay bits of gossip. One reason for this is his mysterious love life. Colunga’s adoration life has been for the most part bound to bits of hearsay.

A few media associations have even proposed to pay the entertainer for a select story into his own life, yet he has turned it down. Accordingly, many have chosen to expect that Colunga might be gay. The entertainer himself has additionally brought up that the gay tales might be vengeance from the media associations he turned down.

Fernando Colunga is Supposed to Have Dated the Late Entertainer, Noé Murayama One more motivation behind why gay bits of hearsay have endured about Fernando Colunga is a result of his detailed sentiment with individual male Mexican entertainer, Noé Murayama. Noé Murayama was born in 1930, making him 36 years more seasoned than Colunga.

He and Colunga highlighted together in the 1997 telenovela Esmeralda. It is reputed that Murayama and Colunga were directing a cautious sentiment while cooperating.

It has likewise been asserted that when Noé Murayama died in 1997, Colunga was so crushed by the misfortune that he cried on set. The speculations likewise have it that the creation organization behind Esmeralda immediately thought up a phony connection between Fernando Colunga and female co-star Nora Salinas to fight off any inquiries regarding his connect to Noé Murayama.

One can’t affirm how real this story is nevertheless one thing that is without a doubt is that the gay bits of gossip about Fernando Colunga aren’t disappearing any time soon.

Fernando Colunga has Likewise Been Sincerely Connected with Entertainers, for example, Adela Noriega and Aracely Arámbula Fernando Colunga conducts his affection existence with mystery in the current age, yet some time ago, he was sincerely connected with a few entertainers. One of the main entertainers that Colunga was connected with is Aracely Arámbula.

They are supposed to have dated from 2000 to 2001. Colunga is likewise supposed to have had a one-year sentiment with entertainer Adela Noriega from 2003 to 2004.

Os narcotraficantes ameaçaram Fernando Colunga de abandonar o papel de Malverde devido a rumores de que ele é gay. ⬇️

— Kublai Khan (@KublaiK22711323) February 16, 2022

Colunga has likewise been connected with entertainers Alejandra Procuna and Nora Salinas. It is, nonetheless, accepted that his alleged sentiment with Nora Salinas was set up to extinguish the gay tales about him and the late Noé Murayama. One affirmed relationship that Fernando Colunga has been in was with a Mexican entertainer named Thalia.

He and Thalia broadly co-featured as the significant characters and old flames in the drama Maria la Del Barrio from 1995 to 1996. A previous co-star of theirs affirmed that they thoroughly searched in affection during the time of shooting. They later separated in 1996. Is Fernando Colunga Hitched to Blanca Soto? Fernando Colunga isn’t hitched to Bianca Soto.

He and the entertainer, nonetheless, dated subsequent to showing up in the telenovela Porque el Love Manda in 2011. They dated for several years and tapped out.

Fernando Colunga has never been hitched to date. The entertainer has made clearly he isn’t one for conforming to cultural norms of administrative work. However, this doesn’t imply that he loathes responsibilities. Colunga has uncovered that he adores responsibilities and having children, however his occupied and unusual timetable represents an obstruction.

