Cashay posts video of Cinco meeting her at the airport after Love Island USA

Cashay Proudfoot and Cinco Holland got a big surprise from Love Island USA when the show presented them with a special video reunion after Cashs elimination. During that video chat, Cashay told Cinco she had a two-hour layover in Washington, D.C., on her way back to New York.

Cashay Proudfoot and Cinco Holland got a big surprise from Love Island USA when the show presented them with a special video reunion after Cash’s elimination.

During that video chat, Cashay told Cinco she had a two-hour layover in Washington, D.C., on her way back to New York.

Cinco lives in Virginia and fans crossed their fingers that the two could meet up again during that layover.

It happened.

Cashay posts video of her and Cinco at airport

Cashay posted a video on her Instagram Stories, split into three parts, that showed her at the airport in Washington, D.C.

She was excited to see that Cinco was there waiting for her.

She started the video by showing Instagram followers that she was in D.C. and then said she saw someone there and turned so the camera showed a masked Cinco.

She then talked about how much she appreciated the fans’ support and said that there was no pressure between her and Cinco but they were going to be talking.

The most important thing was that both of them looked very happy, and Cashay even offered up her excited squeal.

Cash and Cinco post-Love Island USA

The chance of Cashay and Cinco hooking up post-Love Island USA is slim, but it could happen.

The two already threw blame about breaking each other’s hearts on the show in the video chat, with Cinco saying Cash broke his heart and Cash responding that he broke hers first.

They live hours apart in New York City and Virginia.

The good news is that Cashay now has enough Instagram followers to make a living as an influencer, so that could allow her more time to travel if she wanted to see Cinco more.

Cinco’s numbers are also climbing, with over 118,000 followers, so they could both start making more money on social media and that opens up the door for them to spend more time together and less at a job.

Cinco said in an interview that he is willing to talk to Cashay and Cash said in a Q&A that she wanted to find Cinco and see if there was still something there.

Now, they have a chance and Cinco made the first move by coming to see her at the airport.

Love Island USA Season 3 airs on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Sundays at 9/8c on CBS.

