Norah Jones Net Worth How Much is Jones Worth?

Have you ever wondered about the net worth of the renowned American singer, songwriter, musician, and actress, Norah Jones? Well, youre about to find out! With an impressive net worth of $25 million, Jones has achieved great success in the music industry. Her accomplishments include winning nine Grammy Awards and selling over 50 million records

Have you ever wondered about the net worth of the renowned American singer, songwriter, musician, and actress, Norah Jones? Well, you’re about to find out! With an impressive net worth of $25 million, Jones has achieved great success in the music industry. Her accomplishments include winning nine Grammy Awards and selling over 50 million records worldwide. Jones is known for her commercial success and critical acclaim, making her one of the most influential artists of our time.

norah jones net worth

Key Takeaways:

  • Norah Jones has a net worth of $25 million.
  • She has won nine Grammy Awards.
  • Jones has sold over 50 million records worldwide.
  • Her debut album, “Come Away with Me,” sold 27 million units and earned her diamond certification.
  • Jones is known for her commercial success and critical acclaim.

Norah Jones Biography and Early Life

Norah Jones, whose birth name is Geethali Norah Jones Shankar, was born on March 30, 1979, in Manhattan, New York. She is the daughter of Indian musician Ravi Shankar and concert producer Sue Jones. Jones was raised in Grapevine, Texas, by her mother after her parents separated.

From an early age, she showed a talent for singing and playing the piano, and she received professional training to hone her skills. Jones gained recognition as a jazz vocalist and won awards for her talent before pursuing her music career.

Early Life Highlights:

  • Born on March 30, 1979, in Manhattan, New York
  • Daughter of Indian musician Ravi Shankar and concert producer Sue Jones
  • Raised in Grapevine, Texas
  • Showed talent for singing and playing the piano from an early age
  • Received professional training as a jazz vocalist

“I always loved singing and playing the piano. It was a natural outlet for me, and I knew that’s what I wanted to pursue.”

Jones’ early life and upbringing in a musically inclined family laid the foundation for her successful career in the music industry. Her unique blend of jazz, country, and folk elements has captivated audiences worldwide and solidified her status as a talented and influential musician.

Norah Jones Career and Achievements

In her illustrious career, Norah Jones has achieved remarkable success in the music industry. With her soulful voice and captivating musical style, she has garnered critical acclaim and a loyal fan base. Let’s take a closer look at her career highlights, albums, songs, awards, and discography.

Albums and Songs

Norah Jones has released a string of successful albums that have resonated with audiences worldwide. Her debut album, “Come Away with Me,” propelled her to fame and sold an impressive 27 million copies. This album featured hit songs like “Don’t Know Why,” which earned Jones multiple Grammy Awards. Jones continued her winning streak with albums such as “Feels Like Home,” “Not Too Late,” and “The Fall,” each showcasing her evolving musical style and lyrical prowess.

Throughout her career, Norah Jones has created a diverse discography that blends various genres, including jazz, folk, pop, and country. Her songs, characterized by their melodic charm and heartfelt lyrics, have struck a chord with listeners worldwide.

Awards and Recognition

Norah Jones’ talent and contributions to the music industry have been recognized with numerous awards and accolades. She has won an impressive nine Grammy Awards, including Album of the Year for “Come Away with Me.” Her unique musical style has earned her accolades from critics and fans alike, cementing her status as a respected and influential artist.

2003Grammy Award for Best New Artist
2003Grammy Award for Album of the Year (“Come Away with Me”)
2003Grammy Award for Record of the Year (“Don’t Know Why”)
2005Grammy Award for Best Female Pop Vocal Performance (“Sunrise”)
2005Grammy Award for Best Pop Collaboration with Vocals (“Here We Go Again” with Ray Charles)
2009Grammy Award for Best Pop Collaboration with Vocals (“Baby, It’s Cold Outside” with Willie Nelson)
2010Grammy Award for Best Pop Collaboration with Vocals (“Quando, Quando, Quando” with Michael Bublé)
2010Grammy Award for Best Traditional Pop Vocal Album (“‘Til We Meet Again”)
2013Grammy Award for Best Country Duo/Group Performance (“Don’t Rush” with Vince Gill)

These accolades serve as a testament to Norah Jones’ exceptional talent and the impact she has made in the music industry.

Norah Jones Career

Norah Jones’ career and achievements have solidified her place as one of the most influential and successful musicians of her generation. With her unique musical style, soulful voice, and impressive discography, she continues to captivate audiences around the world.

Norah Jones’ Commercial Success

Norah Jones has established herself as a powerhouse in the music industry, and her commercial success is a testament to her remarkable talent and wide appeal. With her unique blend of jazz, country, and folk elements, Jones has captured the hearts of millions of fans worldwide.

One of the highlights of Jones’ career is her debut album, “Come Away with Me,” which sold a staggering 27 million copies and earned her diamond certification. This album catapulted Jones to international fame and garnered critical acclaim, winning five Grammy Awards, including Album of the Year. Since then, she has consistently released successful albums like “Feels Like Home,” “Not Too Late,” and “The Fall,” all of which have achieved platinum certification.

In addition to her record sales, Jones has also generated substantial income from her website and other ventures. In 2018, the asset value of her website,, was estimated to be $67,700. Furthermore, her album “Day Breaks” sold approximately 241,000 copies in 2016, generating earnings of $313,300. Jones has also diversified her income through live performances and appearances in movies, further contributing to her financial success.

The table below provides a snapshot of Norah Jones’ commercial success:

Come Away with Me27 millionDiamond
Feels Like Home12 millionPlatinum
Not Too Late5 millionPlatinum
The Fall3 millionPlatinum

It is evident that Norah Jones’ music resonates with a wide audience, and her commercial success reflects the immense popularity she has achieved throughout her career. With her incredible talent, she continues to captivate listeners and solidify her position as one of the most successful musicians of her generation.



Norah Jones’ Real Estate Investments

Norah Jones, in addition to her successful music career, has made significant investments in real estate. She has acquired properties in desirable locations, showcasing her keen eye for valuable assets. Let’s take a closer look at some of her notable real estate acquisitions:

Townhome in New York City

In 2009, Norah Jones purchased a historic townhome in New York City for $4.9 million. This impressive property features a beautiful 1,440-square-foot backyard complete with a pool and hot tub, offering a serene retreat in the heart of the bustling city. With five bedrooms and a sunroom, the townhome provides ample space for relaxation and entertainment.

Townhome in the Same Neighborhood

In 2015, Jones expanded her real estate portfolio by acquiring another townhome in the same New York City neighborhood. The property, purchased for $6.25 million, gained recognition for its appearance in the film “Eat, Pray, Love.” With its spacious main floor, beamed ceilings, and a greenhouse, this townhome showcases Jones’ taste for unique and charming living spaces.

These real estate investments not only provide Norah Jones with comfortable and luxurious living environments but also serve as valuable assets that have the potential for appreciation over time.

norah jones real estate

Norah Jones’ Personal Life

Norah Jones, known for her captivating music and soul-stirring vocals, prefers to keep her personal life out of the public eye. While she has garnered significant attention for her musical achievements and commercial success, Jones has maintained a low-key and private lifestyle.

One aspect of Jones’ personal life that is known is her relationship with her husband, keyboardist Pete Remm. The couple has two children together, but details about their family life remain undisclosed. Jones’ commitment to privacy allows her to focus on her craft without distractions from the media or public scrutiny.

By prioritizing her personal boundaries, Norah Jones exemplifies the importance of maintaining a healthy work-life balance. While her music has touched the hearts of millions, she keeps her personal life separate, allowing her to fully immerse herself in creating heartfelt melodies and lyrics that resonate with listeners worldwide.

Table: Norah Jones’ Discography

AlbumRelease YearCertifications
Come Away with Me200227 million copies sold, Diamond certification
Feels Like Home200412 million copies sold, 4x Platinum certification
Not Too Late20075 million copies sold, Platinum certification
The Fall20091 million copies sold, Gold certification

Norah Jones’ Influence and Legacy

Norah Jones has left an indelible mark on the music industry, solidifying her position as a talented and influential musician. With her unique blend of jazz, country, and folk elements, Jones has inspired countless artists and continues to shape the music landscape. Her impact can be felt in both the pop and jazz genres, where her soulful vocals and heartfelt lyrics resonate with audiences worldwide.

Norah Jones Influence and Legacy

Facebook4 million

Norah Jones’ Philanthropic Work

Throughout her career, Norah Jones has dedicated herself to philanthropic efforts, supporting various causes and organizations. One area she is particularly passionate about is music education programs, believing in the power of music to inspire and transform lives. Jones has actively contributed to initiatives that provide access to music education for underprivileged children and youth.

In recognition of her commitment and support, Norah Jones was honored with the ASCAP Foundation Champion Award. This prestigious award acknowledges individuals who have made significant contributions to music education and have made a positive impact on the lives of aspiring musicians. Jones’ dedication to fostering the growth of young artists and ensuring the accessibility of music education has made her a respected figure within the music community.

While Jones prefers to keep her philanthropic endeavors private, her involvement in various causes showcases her genuine desire to make a difference. Through her philanthropy, she reinforces the importance of giving back and using one’s platform for positive change. Norah Jones’ generosity extends beyond her musical talent, inspiring others to use their resources to create a better world.

Philanthropic Contributions

  • Supporting music education programs for underprivileged children and youth
  • Contributing to initiatives that provide access to musical instruments and resources
  • Advocating for the importance of arts education in schools
  • Collaborating with charitable organizations to raise funds for various causes

Through her philanthropic work, Norah Jones continues to leave a lasting impact on individuals and communities. Her dedication to music education and support for numerous charitable endeavors reflects her belief in the power of music to bring positive change to the world.

Conclusion – Norah Jones’ Impact and Continued Success

In conclusion, Norah Jones has left an indelible impact on the music industry with her unique sound and exceptional talent. Her ability to blend jazz, country, and folk elements has captivated audiences worldwide, solidifying her status as a musical icon.

Throughout her career, Jones has garnered immense success, winning nine Grammy Awards and selling over 50 million records. Her debut album, “Come Away with Me,” alone sold 27 million units and earned her diamond certification. This commercial triumph, coupled with critical acclaim, showcases her versatility as an artist.

Despite her success, Norah Jones remains humble and focused on creating meaningful music that resonates with her fans. Her continued success and enduring popularity are a testament to her artistic integrity and dedication to her craft.

In the ever-evolving music landscape, Norah Jones’ impact is undeniable. Her unique sound has influenced countless artists, and her legacy as a talented and influential musician is firmly established. As she continues to create music that touches the hearts of listeners, Norah Jones’ success shows no signs of slowing down.


How much is Norah Jones worth?

Norah Jones has a net worth of $25 million.

What is Norah Jones’ real name?

Norah Jones’ birth name is Geethali Norah Jones Shankar.

When was Norah Jones born?

Norah Jones was born on March 30, 1979.

Who are Norah Jones’ parents?

Norah Jones’ parents are Indian musician Ravi Shankar and concert producer Sue Jones.

How many Grammy Awards has Norah Jones won?

Norah Jones has won nine Grammy Awards throughout her career.

How many records has Norah Jones sold worldwide?

Norah Jones has sold over 50 million records worldwide.

Which album earned Norah Jones diamond certification?

Norah Jones’ debut album, “Come Away with Me,” earned her diamond certification.

What is Norah Jones’ most successful album?

Norah Jones’ most successful album is “Come Away with Me,” which sold 27 million units.

How many followers does Norah Jones have on Instagram?

Norah Jones has over 553,000 followers on Instagram.

What philanthropic work has Norah Jones been involved in?

Norah Jones has supported various causes and received the ASCAP Foundation Champion Award for her contributions to music education.

