Mandy Rose Felt She Was Targeted In Total Divas: It Was All Of Them Against Me

Mandy Rose is one of the most successful NXT Womens Champions of all time. The former WWE Superstar was first introduced to the wrestling world through reality television. After her success on the Tough Enough reality show, Rose was brought into the hit series Total Divas.

Mandy Rose is one of the most successful NXT Women’s Champions of all time. The former WWE Superstar was first introduced to the wrestling world through reality television. After her success on the Tough Enough reality show, Rose was brought into the hit series Total Divas.

The Golden Goddess was the runner-up in the sixth season of WWE Tough Enough. After that, she joined the cast of the fifth season of Total Divas. But it seems like she wasn’t as happy in Total Divas as she was in Tough Enough. During a new episode of the Power Alpha podcast, she revealed Total Divas felt like a competition between her and the rest of the cast.

“I knew I was going to be very respectful and friendly and nice and whatever. However, you know, it’s reality TV… Anyway, there was a balance for me. So I was like, okay, in order to like, make a statement here, make some noise, I do have to create some drama, but like, I have no one to like, go up against with. Like, I had no one with me.

“For instance, I had Daria on Tough Enough that we just hit it off. We always stood by each other’s side. If one was messing with her, I stepped in. If one was messing with me, she’d step in, like, we were a team, and like, we’re very loyal like that. I didn’t have that going into Total Divas. Like it was all of them against me, you know, for TV purposes, but also like in real life, which brings me to the wonderful trip to Paris,” Mandy Rose said. [Wrestling]

Mandy Rose hated being part of Total Divas as all her co-stars were ‘mean’ to her

During the same interview, Rose explained in detail about what transpired in Paris and how upset she was. She even called up her ex-boyfriend and vented out her frustrations.

“Paris was really, really interesting. I don’t think I’ve ever spoken about this either, ever, like, I mean, maybe little bits of it, but like, whatever. Paris was the time where I was like, okay, this isn’t for me. I called my ex and I literally said to him, I cried, I was crying one night, and I was like, ‘I don’t want to do this.’ I’m like, ‘I’m not made for this. I don’t like it. These girls are mean. I don’t even feel like it’s for television.

“I feel like it’s for real life. I’m being left out. Like, people don’t want to hang out with me. Like, I’m just, I hate this. I hate it.’ I was crying. It was like, really upsetting. Like, I just, I don’t know, it was just such a weird time for me, too, like, so much was happening and I had so much pressure of like, you know, Mandy Rose is the next big thing. Everything I did was just like, watched and I was just so like, oh my God.”

Mandy Rose credits Lita and Chris Jericho for becoming the ‘Big Bad Wolf’ on WWE Tough Enough

Mady Rose also shared the story about how her character in the WWE Tough Enough series changed. The former NXT Women’s Champion revealed that WWE Hall of Famer Lita along with Chris Jericho had given her a lot of advice and motivated her to become the ‘Big Bad Wolf.’

“I already went through that experience on Tough Enough of being like, the nice girl kind of finishes last, like I had Lita and Jericho come up to me and was like, ‘Listen, you got everything what it takes, but like, you gotta step it up when it comes to the reality part and like, drama. This is reality, like you have to stand out.’ So that’s when I became the Big Bad Wolf.”

The former WWE Superstar is currently pursuing other ventures and has shifted her focus completely away from professional wrestling.

