Burlington, Tempe and Bozeman are some of the most popular Spotify Wrapped 2023 'sound town' cities

Spotify wrapped is always coming up with new ways to keep users excited and this time it introduced sound town cities like Burlington, Tempe, Bozeman, and many more. Spotifys Sound Town feature allows you to understand which town in the world shares similar music taste as you. For instance, some of the most famous ones

Spotify wrapped is always coming up with new ways to keep users excited and this time it introduced ‘sound town’ cities like Burlington, Tempe, Bozeman, and many more.

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What is Spotify ‘Sound Town’?

Spotify‘s Sound Town feature allows you to understand which town in the world shares similar music taste as you. For instance, some of the most famous ones that people have received include Burlington, Tempe, Bozeman, Madison, and many more.

The new feature surprised a few while shocked the others. Some were quick to take it to social media to express their happiness over the results. However, there were a few who seemed a bit confused.

No matter what, it is definitely a fun way to understand a bit more about your music style while seeing how it compares to other people’s results.

How to view your Spotify Sound Town

You can view your Sound Town by going to the third slide of your wrapped. If you are confused about how to see your wrapped information, we have got you covered! There are three different methods that you can try.

The first one is using the app. If you open the app you will notice a banner that says “Your 2023 wrapped.” Just click on it to get all the details. The second option is to head to the Spotify website on the desktop and log in using that. Again, you would have to click on the wrapped banner to view your stats.

Lastly, you can head to the wrapped website directly and find out your 2023 year on Spotify by entering your login details.

New feature on Spotify wrapped 2023

The new feature introduced this year is ‘Me in 2023’ It includes Spotify created characters that describe you based on your music taste. Some include Shapeshifter, Luminary, and more.

At the same time, it has also made a couple of changes to its Top 5 genres, top artists, top 5 artists, wrapped feed, Spotify’s AI DJ (only available in the first week), and wrapped blend.

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