TikToks Poem 10 Legs Eight Broken: Decrypting its Meaning

A poem titled Ten legs, eight broken, which has gone viral on TikTok, penned by Emile Mosseri and shared on the Jacob and the Stone account, has captivated the attention of social media users. This poignant piece portrays the perspective of a spider, shedding light on its often-overlooked existence and raising awareness about the fear

The Viral Poem ‘Ten legs, eight broken’ on TikTok

A poem titled ‘Ten legs, eight broken’, which has gone viral on TikTok, penned by Emile Mosseri and shared on the Jacob and the Stone account, has captivated the attention of social media users. This poignant piece portrays the perspective of a spider, shedding light on its often-overlooked existence and raising awareness about the fear and disgust humans associate with it.

The poem delves into the mistreatment of spiders, urging readers to rethink their past decisions of getting rid of them from their surroundings. Its emotional impact has moved many TikTok users to tears, while cautioning others who might be sensitive not to delve into it. In essence, this viral poem serves as a compelling reminder to exhibit compassion and kindness towards all living creatures.

The Origin of ‘Ten Legs Eight Broken’ Poem

Originally surfacing on TikTok, the poem ‘Ten legs, eight broken’ was shared on the Jacob and the Stone account managed by a user named Emile Mosseri. The poem gained immense popularity owing to its emotional and thought-provoking content. It speaks to a spider, presenting its viewpoint and shedding light on the challenges it encounters as a creature often met with disdain and apprehension by humans.

The title of the poem, ‘Ten legs, eight broken,’ serves as a symbolism of the common mistreatment and harm spiders endure when they cross paths with humans. This impactful and poignant piece of writing has struck a chord with numerous TikTok users, leading them to reconsider their stance towards spiders and other beings cohabiting this planet. The virality of this poem on TikTok underscores the ability of art and storytelling to evoke empathy and highlight the interconnectedness of all living creatures.

The Poem ’10 Legs Eight Broken’

“To the spider, the shadowed creature in the corner of the room, I hate you.

You scared me just as your brothers and sisters did before you and I will tell you what I told them, You are a trespasser that does not belong here.

You entered without knocking.

Roamed freely like this is your home and decorated my walls with unwanted, silk webs without asking.

You may not be the only killer here, but only one of us is innocent and it’s not you.

The spider says to me, it’s brittle body squashed and dying.

It’s not you, either, There is venom infused in my fang-shaped maws, but I was born this way.

What’s your excuse? If you could count your murders, how long would you be counting?

Am I really this threatening?

I thought humans’ hearts were bigger than mine, but you have killed with malice instead of the marrow of your bones and poison bubbling behind your scowl.

And I’m sorry for scaring you, but I didn’t know being seen would cost me my life.


If you didn’t fabricate the pricky feeling of my legs creeping up on your skin while I crawled across the living room floor;

If the webs I weaved were made of cotton candy and captured clementines, cherries, and sweet peas rather than struggling wings and blood;

If I had a pink tongue plush fur, a wagging tail, and four legs instead of eight;

If I had only two eyes, and they were glittering stars and not supermassive black holes;

If I was the same but looked different; maybe you wouldn’t hate me.

Maybe you wouldn’t have loved me, either, and maybe you still wouldn’t have let me stay.

But maybe you would’ve shown me the door or a window. Maybe you would’ve shown me mercy.

(But you are still standing, and I am still sorry.)

I think maybe, no matter how reluctant, mercy would’ve been enough.”

Interpreting the Meaning Behind ’10 Legs Eight Broken’

Unpacking the depth of the poem ‘Ten Legs, Eight Broken’, it sheds light on the frequently ignored and mistreated existence of spiders. Articulated from the standpoint of a spider, the poem evokes compassion and challenges readers to reconsider their perceptions toward these creatures.

It underscores the fear and revulsion linked with spiders while giving a voice to their vulnerabilities and the injustices they face. The title ‘Ten legs, eight broken’ itself signifies the harm and mistreatment inflicted on spiders by humans. Ultimately, the poem acts as a poignant reminder to exhibit empathy, mercy, and reverence towards all living beings, provoking a profound reflection on our relationship with the natural world.


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