Trump Continues to Attack Very Bad Ratings Neil Cavuto, Suggests Fox News Fire Him

President Donald Trump on Friday continued his obsessive attacks on Fox News anchor Neil Cavuto, this time suggesting the long-time host should be fired over a Thursday segment in which a guest called Trumps 2016 debate performances disastrous.

President Donald Trump on Friday continued his obsessive attacks on Fox News anchor Neil Cavuto, this time suggesting the long-time host should be fired over a Thursday segment in which a guest called Trump’s 2016 debate performances “disastrous.”

“So @TeamCavuto has very bad ratings on @foxnews with his Fake guests like A.B. Stoddard and others that still haven’t figured it all out,” Trump tweeted. “Will he get the same treatment as his friend Shepherd Smith, who also suffered from the ratings drought?” Trump mocked Smith—a frequent critic of his—last year after the veteran anchor parted ways with the network, asking if Smith was “leaving because of bad ratings.”

The president ranted at-length about Cavuto—who last year emerged as yet another long-time Fox host who skepticism of Trump has put him at odds with his colleagues—during a Colorado campaign rally on Thursday night, titillating the crowd by saying Cavuto hosts a “loser show,” prompting several Fox colleagues (notably not including any of Fox News’ overtly pro-Trump primetime crew) to rally to their colleagues defense.


