Kelly Kelly vs the Bella Twins

Nothing wrong with their bodies. This is the one thing I agree with CSR's Justin LaBar on. Handycap match with them? Any day baby. What? Really? What? Jimmy? Really? Seriously.. I know you have that whole snobby chick thing going for you, but K2 is smokin' hot. You probably had issues with Trish back in

As opposed to when? Actually, a lot of people botched lines tonight. Even Vinny Mac

Nothing wrong with their bodies. This is the one thing I agree with CSR's Justin LaBar on. Handycap match with them? Any day baby.

What? Really? What? Jimmy? Really?
Seriously.. I know you have that whole snobby chick thing going for you, but K2 is smokin' hot. You probably had issues with Trish back in her prime too didn't you? I'd screw all 4 of them at once. Oh, and you spelt ***** wrong.

So.. if someone plays a bully on TV, then they really ARE a bully? Wow.. Someone better go arrest those people who play criminals and terrorists on TV then too!

This is the only thing they could do really. Haven't put much thought into it though.. Just don't care enough

I love Nattie.. But her mic skills suck. Better in the ring than all the women, and some of the men. If you can't talk, you don't go far.

Didn't you just complain about the Bella's having big asses? Now you're praising another chick for having one?

Give Kelly the title. Oh, wait.. they already did. Problem solved till Kharma gets back.

-K2 vs Me in a strip poker match.. And she has to play blindfolded.
-Kelly's shorts to get even shorter.
-More TV time for Maryse

