Comedian Says Lorne Michaels Refuses to Hire Gay Men on SNL

R44 actually Alec Baldwin did acknowledge in a tweet that SNL has had several gay male cast members over the years. He said they just were not open about it to the public. Here is part of a Twitter thread sparked by James Adomian's accusation that SNL is anti-gay:

R44 actually Alec Baldwin did acknowledge in a tweet that SNL has had several gay male cast members over the years. He said they just were not open about it to the public. Here is part of a Twitter thread sparked by James Adomian's accusation that SNL is anti-gay:

onlyconnect‏ @onlyc0nnect · Mar 17

I don’t understand why you link to articles you don’t like. I’m a fan, and now I know that SNL has only hired 2 openly gay male performers in its entire history, and yeah, that number seems weirdly low and problematic. Does Lorne Michaels have a problem with gay men?

ABFoundation‏Verified account @ABFalecbaldwin · Mar 17

Do you think he has a problem with them? Based upon what? The bitter recriminations of those he didn’t hire? Consider the source.

Guy Branum‏Verified account @guybranum

Well, Alec, can you identify a gay man he did hire? That's like saying the only women who think there's misogyny are the ones who haven't gotten to be President yet.

ABFoundation‏Verified account @ABFalecbaldwin

I can identify several. But they were not out then and are not out now. You realize that possibility, right?

Michael‏ @humilitylove78

Using the defense that they do have some that are CLOSETED IN THIS DAY AND AGE on their show is absolutely pathetic as well as patently absurd sir.

Jason Sherry‏ @justjasonsherry

I think people are (willfully?) missing Alec's point here. If the performers weren't out, that's their own choice, and their sexual preference was known at the show, including to Lorne.

Pastel Masc 💫‏ @CamiloNazar

Why isn’t he hiring out queer performers? What are the implications a show like SNL is worried about? How do you get away being on the air for that long not hiring more than two out queer performers? That’s a problem you’re (willfully?) ignoring

Jason Sherry‏ @justjasonsherry

Not ignoring the problem at all; just disagreeing about what the problem is. I'm suggesting it's less an SNL problem than a broader industry problem about gay performers being comfortable about being out.

Stevie Mandius‏ @warmgulfwind

There ARE out gay comedians and actors who have auditioned for SNL and none of them in 40 years got hired. None of the out gay men who auditioned were good enough? That is the problem here, nothing to do with closeted gay performers. SNL never hire the OUT ones. Getting it yet?

Jason Sherry‏ @justjasonsherry

As a liberal, I want to see representation. As a director, it's about what you see in the room, having the right skill set for sketch comedy. The strongest player on the show for years has been a gay woman. Lorne is producing a gay SNL writer's new show. Talent breaks through.

You were "super done with this", remember? So, either stick to your conviction, or try to have a civil discussion. If Lorne Michaels is homophobic, then explain why he would use his own company to produce a gay writer's show? Representation matters. But so does talent.

But you have to take into account the history. Prior to the 90s (at the earliest), gay performers were stigmatized enough that being outed could "destroy" one's career. Thankfully, much of the country now realizes how appalling that was/is, but it was the case for a long time.

